2002 – 2003 | Heavy Iron Studios | THQ | PlayStation2 | XBox | GameCube | Platformer
It should probably be illegal for a project to be as much fun as Spongebob was.
Being a huge fan of the cartoon series definitely helped, but the people I worked with were the real icing on the sponge cake.
As far as work is concerned: I created the environmental geometry for a number of levels (particularly Kelp Forest, Dutchman’s Graveyard, and Goo Lagoon). Kelp Forest also served as the first real “soak test” for the robust referencing/instancing pipeline we ended up using in the game.
I did quite a bit of texturing, set-dressing, and lighting, and developed a whole range of production techniques and Maya tools to support the art team.
All in all, I’m very proud of Spongebob, I believe it’s easily one of the most fun license-based titles (and quite possibly one of the most competent platformers) ever made.

Why?Why did I quit you,my beautiful memory?After the good times I played you!It made me so…so…so sad to throw in the towel on you!If I find you in my house again,you…you’d better kiss loneliness goodbye!*sobs* I bet you have gotten lost.Lost and can’t find a way out.Who knows what happened to you.OH! I do not wanna even think about it!Even mentioning or hearing your name makes me worry what has happened to you.My…my beautiful game,where are you?Whatever happend to you(Reference to WhoBob WhatPants)?I want to see you again.Every night I pray:”God,please help me find my game,SpongeBob:Battle for Bikini Bottom,so I can kiss her goodnight like I used to!Please!Where’s my game?
Where’s SpongeBob?A sad song written by me:
I wonder how things went so wrong.
I turned around and she was gone.
Where’s Spongebob?
Where’s Spongebob?
What can I say?What can I do?
Please let me make it up to you.
I want a way to play on you.
Oh Where has Spongebob gone?
Oh Oh!
It tortures me all night and day.
What made me lose you alreaday.
Oh where has SpongeBob Gone?
Oh where has SpongeBob Gone?
Where’s SpongeBob( 4x )
“I’m ready to beat the robots!”
SpongeBob?Is that you?
“I’m waiting to beat em!”
SpongeBob, if you’re there,
say “I am” for yes and “I’m not” for no.
“I am!I am!”
SpongeBob!I am happy to be reunited with You!
“Yeah.Those days were… Sponge-ee-licious…”
That was a song about my old buddy Spongebob:Battle For Bikini Bottom asking WON’T YOU COME BACK TO ME!?!*sniffle* Please…please come back!I’d sacrafice my whole wallet to a memory card for you.WHY DID I LOSE YOU?GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Thanks so much for posting this! I always love looking at production work, especially when my favorite undersea sponge is involved! As a young kid hoping to get into the game design industry, I go on hour-long web surfing sessions soaking in stuff like this. Any tips for an aspiring game designer such as myself?