This is essentially a continuation of my previous post about a series of illustrations created for our latest Chronicles episodes.
These additional, primarily architectural shots were used to illustrate our protagonist’s journey as he ventures deeper and deeper into the dark and mysterious heart of the inter-dimensional temple of Anu Maht.
The structure has several notable architectural influences, including Babylonian, Egyptian, bronze-age megalithic, with a hint of the Lovecraftian notion of impossible “non-Euclidean” geometry sprinkled in.
The original post dives deeper into the details of the creation process, which this set relied on as well: a combination of Phoenix generations and hand-made storyboards for the layout guides, style transfer of hand-crafted reference material to the layout proxies using SDXL, and quite a bit of manual compositing (this time in Affinity Photo instead of Photoshop).
The fluidity of AI-enhanced illustrative workflows continues to impress.

…and the episode these (and many other) shots appear in: